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Engineering Design & Problem Solving (EDPS)


Engineering Design and Problem Solving (EDPS) is a full year, full credit, Senior capstone course for the Project Lead the Way Pathway to Engineering program.  Students must have completed a minimum of two other high school PLTW courses as a prerequisite for EDPS.  This course involves extensive research in designing and constructing solutions to an open-ended engineering problem. In EDPS, you will work in teams to research, design, and construct solutions. You will apply principles developed in the preceding courses and are guided by mentors. You must present progress reports, submit a final written report and defend your solutions to a panel of outside reviewers at the end of the school year.

Pathway Infographic

Infographic with pathway for Engineering including courses, certifications, ctsos, and additional info


Profile Picture of Alex Ferreira

Alex Ferreira
Computer Integrated Manufacturing    I     Engineering Design and Problem-Solving     I     Solar Car I & II

My name is Alex Ferreira and this will be my first-year teaching. I will be teaching Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Engineering Design and Problem-Solving, and Solar Car I & II. In my free time I enjoy working out, playing guitar, and video games.