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Medical Lab Assistant

Medical Lab Assistant (MLA) focuses on the study of biology and medicine in order to introduce students to the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in the healthcare field, such as researching and diagnosing diseases, pre-existing conditions, or other determinants of health. 

Pathophysiology​   |   Anatomy & Physiology

Pathophysiology is a year-long class where we learn about disease and how it affects each system in the human body. We learn through real-world case studies and collaborate in order to diagnose complex cases. You will learn in a classroom and science lab in order to give you hands-on, engaging, and rigorous material.​

Anatomy and Physiology covers a wide array of topics throughout the human body. This class is fast paces and will be preparing you for a health science-related career path. My goal is for you to leave here knowing more about the world around and within you. You will learn in a classroom and science lab in order to give you hands-on, engaging, and rigorous material.

Medical Microbiology

Medical Microbiology is a course where students will study how microorganisms cause infection, identification and control of pathogens, disease transmission, antibiotic resistance, and immunity. Students will learn safe laboratory practices so that they can confidently engage in laboratory investigations throughout the course.

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Matthew Shabay
Honors Pathophysiology   I   Pathophysiology

I am beginning my 20th year in education and 2nd at KCAL.  I teach Pathophysiology and Medical Microbiology.

When not teaching, I enjoy traveling with my family, flyfishing, and golf.  I have been married to my wife, Kelsie, for 13 years and we have two beautiful daughters, Noey (8) and Anna Kate (6). 

Samantha Conn

Samantha Tudor
Medical Microbiology & Honors    I    Medical Lab Assistant Practicum I & II

Samantha is going into her third-year teaching Medical Microbiology at KCAL and being the head coach of swimming and diving at Timber Creek High School. 

Prior to teaching, she worked as a Medical Laboratory Scientist at Baylor All Saint’s Medical Center in Fort Worth for 1 year, and prior to that 5 years at Covenant Medical Center and Grace Medical Center in Lubbock, Texas. 

Coach Tudor completed her bachelor’s in Microbiology from Texas Tech University in 2011 and then a bachelor’s in Clinical Laboratory Sciences from Texas Tech Health Sciences Center in 2012. 

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her son Owen, baking, and watching movies.