The Keller ISD Pharmacy Technician Program is a 600 hour program over a 2 year period. The objective of the program is to equip students with knowledge, technical skills, and work habits required for an entry-level position in the pharmacy field or related area. A strong emphasis is placed on ethics, accountability, professionalism, and the individual's commitment to pursue lifelong personal and professional development.
The Pharmacy Technician Curriculum provides a thorough breakdown of the basic essentials required to become Certified Pharmacy Technicians. The curriculum includes the following:
- Pharmacy Law & Ethics
- Sterile Products
- Retail and Institutional Pharmacies
- Pharmacology and Body Systems
- Chemotherapy
- TPN Preparation
- Nutritional & Alternative Substances
- Pharmacy Billing
- Dosage Calculations
- Career Development
Students in the classroom will receive Sterile Products (IV) training prior to completion of the course and are eligible to sit for the Sterile Products (IV) Certification upon completion of the training. In addition, students who successfully complete the course and graduate will have the opportunity to sit for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE). Both of these exams are for National Certifications.
HOSA Information
Pathway Infographic
JR Miller
Pharmacology I Pharmacy Technician Practicum I & II
I am an Oklahoma boy that recently moved to Keller, TX from Oklahoma City, OK in October 2021.
I graduated with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in 2001. I have worked 10 years of retail pharmacy and spent approximately 20 years in inpatient pharmacy at the Oklahoma Heart Hospital.
While at the hospital, I worked for the clinical pharmacy department, staffed the centralized pharmacy, prepared sterile and non-sterile compounded medications, and was the department manager for the last 7 years.
I have always been interested in teaching, but I had never found a facility that I would have wanted to teach until I learned about KCAL. Outside of work, I enjoy golfing, snowboarding, and watching the Dallas Cowboys or the OKC Thunder!!!